Michelle Yuan

Assistant Professor, UCLA Linguistics


Selected papers

A full list of materials is provided in my CV. Feel free to get in touch if you are looking for something not linked or listed here.

  • Yuan, Michelle and Claudia Juárez Chávez. in revs. ‘Lexical DP Blocking’ in the Person-Case Constraint as a licensing failure: Comparative evidence from Mixtec. [lingbuzz]
  • Caballero, Gabriela, Claudia Duarte Borquez, Claudia Juárez Chávez, and Michelle Yuan. to appear. Lexical and grammatical tone in San Juan Piñas Mixtec (Tò’ōn Ndá’ví). Phonological Data & Analysis. [pdf (preprint)]
  • Yuan, Michelle. to appear. Morphological conditions on movement chain resolution: Inuktitut noun incorporation revisited. Natural Language and Linguistic Theory. [lingbuzz]
  • Compton, Richard and Michelle Yuan. to appear. Agreement in Inuktut. In: The Inuit, Yupik, and Unangan Languages, Oxford University Press. 
  • Hedding, Andrew A. and Michelle Yuan. to appear. Phase unlocking and the derivation of verb-initiality in San Martín Peras Mixtec. In: Proceedings of WCCFL 41. [lingbuzz
  • Yuan, Michelle. to appear. Two restrictions on pronominal clitics in San Juan Piñas Mixtec (Tò’ōn Ndá’ví). In: Proceedings of WSCLA 26. [lingbuzz]
  • Caballero, Gabriela, Claudia Juárez Chávez, and Michelle Yuan. 2024. The representation of tone in San Juan Piñas Mixtec (Tò’ōn Ndá’ví): Phonological and orthographic implications. In: Proceedings of WCCFL 39. [paper]
  • Yuan, Michelle. 2023. Case as an Anaphor Agreement Effect: Evidence from Inuktitut. Linguistic Inquiry 54, 413–428. [doi | lingbuzz (preprint)]
  • Yuan, Michelle. 2023. The morphosyntax of participle-incorporating existentials in Inuktitut. In: Proceedings of WSCLA 24. [lingbuzz (preprint)]
  • Yuan, Michelle and Matthew Tyler. 2023. Agreement and the realization of arguments. In: Wiley-Blackwell Companion to Morphology, Wiley-Blackwell. [doi | lingbuzz (preprint)
  • Yuan, Michelle. 2022. Ergativity and object movement across Inuit. Language 98, 510-551. [doi | lingbuzz (preprint)]
  • Yuan, Michelle. 2021. Diagnosing object agreement vs. clitic doubling: An Inuit case study. Linguistic Inquiry 52, 153-179. [doi | lingbuzz (preprint)]
  • Yuan, Michelle. 2020. Dependent case and clitic dissimilation in Yimas. Natural Language and Linguistic Theory 38, 937-985. [doi | lingbuzz (preprint)]
  • Tyler, Matthew and Michelle Yuan. 2019. Nominal-clitic case mismatches. In: Proceedings of WCCFL 36. [lingbuzz]
  • Baier, Nico and Michelle Yuan. 2018. Anti-agreement with bound variables. In: Proceedings of WCCFL 35. [lingbuzz]
  • Yuan, Michelle. 2017. More on Undermerge: Phrasal and head movement interactions in Kikuyu. In: A Pesky Set: Papers for David Pesetsky, MITWPL. [link | pdf]
  • Yuan, Michelle. 2015. Person restrictions in South Baffin Inuktitut: An argument for feature movement. In: Proceedings of WSCLA 19. [lingbuzz]

Community resources

  • Juárez Chávez, Claudia, Gabriela Caballero, Claudia Duarte Bórquez, José Armando Fernández Guerrero, Ray Huaute, Akil Iyer, Mark Simmons, Nico Tedeschi, Maxine Van Doren, and Michelle Yuan. Tò’ōn Ndá’ví San Juan Piñas Mixtec Talking Dictionary. Living Tongues Institute for Endangered Languages. [link]


  • Yuan, Michelle. 2018. Dimensions of ergativity in Inuit: Theory and microvariation. PhD dissertation, MIT. [lingbuzz]
  • Yuan, Michelle. 2017. Movement to complement in Kikuyu and the syntax of focus association. 2nd generals paper, MIT. [pdf]